The scan tool delivers all nine OBD-II test modes,retriving live engine datastreanm and parameters to enable technicians accurately diagnose the toughest problems. I have no affiliation whatsoever, other than being a satisfied customer for many years. Review on Autel GS500 GS 500 Description: GS500 is the best solution to troubleshoot all 1996 and newer OBD2 Compliant vehicles. Blackbox Solutions Ltd - Designers and manufacturers of the best vehicle diagnostic tools.

If you sell the car, the kit is an attractive selling point and you should still be able to recoup most, or all of the cost. If the owner changes the car for the same model, the software can be relicenced for a small charge. In my opinion it outperforms the dealer Testbook, T4 etc. BBS do a single vehicle package which will have all the software you need for your model. The kit paid for itself many times over and I sold it to another Landyzone member for a good price (To me) a couple of years ago. I helped many Landyzone members and others out over the years until I decided to hang up my boots.

I then decided to buy the complete multi vehicle software for the P38 and upgraded my Rovacomlite to the then newly released Faultmate Extreme. For what it's worth, I bought a Rovacomlite with a couple of software modules (Multi vehicle) in 2002 for my P38 after being ripped off by main stealers and also giving me the option to sort problems out "On the spot".