People at the site are always willing to give advice on where to find parts and even tell you how they fixed problems like ones you might be having. Repairing vintage washers, dryers, dishwashers and other major appliances - For advice and help on repairing vintage major appliances…try asking for advice at my favorite website - Automatic Washer- believe it or not there are a A LOT of people (some of which frequent this site) who post on that site that have actually restored vintage major appliances from the likes fo early automatic washer and dryers to dishwasher, stoves and fridges.There are a host places to go on the net that can definitely help you with vintage appliances….both major AND small. The companies below may be able to help you - note, we do not do these services - click the bold blue text - those are hotlinks: Here’s another idea: a list of online resources suggested by reader Patrick Coffey. He seems to have pulled together a great list of both companies and community forums that can help you connect with parts, service and instructions to help get your vintage appliances and stoves back in tip-top shape if you are unable to find local repair shops that can do the work for you. But, readers also chimed in with some great comments. One possible way to get your old appliances fixed is to find local suppliers - old time repair shops - that could help you out.