Despite this being mentioned in the bugfix section of the mugen docs since RC1, this is probably the most overlooked step in any Winmugen to MUGEN 1.0 adaptation. 05 If the player's speed drops below this threshold while lying down, stop his movement **MUGEN 1.0** 4 Vertical acceleration for player bouncing off the ground **MUGEN 1.0**ĭ = 12 Y-position at which player bouncing off the ground touches the ground again **MUGEN 1.0**ĭ =. 35 Vertical acceleration for player in the air recovery state **MUGEN 1.0**Īir. = 15 Y-position at which player in the tripped state touches the ground **MUGEN 1.0**ĭ = 0,0 Offset for player bouncing off the ground (x, y) **MUGEN 1.0**ĭ =. 05 If player's speed drops below this threshold while crouching, stop his movement **MUGEN 1.0**Īir.oundlevel = 25 Y-position at which a falling player is considered to hit the ground **MUGEN 1.0**Īir. = -20 Y-position below which falling player can use the recovery command **MUGEN 1.0**Īir. = 10 Y-position at which player in the ground recovery state touches the ground **MUGEN 1.0**Īir. = -1 Y-velocity above which player may use the air recovery command **MUGEN 1.0**Īir. =.

= 2 If player's speed drops below this threshold while standing, stop his movement **MUGEN 1.0**Ĭ =. 5.2 Multiplier for air recovery velocity (x, y) **MUGEN 1.0**Īir. = 0,-4.5 Velocity offset for air recovery (x, y) **MUGEN 1.0**Īir. = -1 Extra x-velocity for holding back during air recovery **MUGEN 1.0**Īir. = 0 Extra x-velocity for holding forward during air recovery **MUGEN 1.0**Īir. = -2 Extra y-velocity for holding up during air recovery **MUGEN 1.0**Īir. = 1.5 Extra y-velocity for holding down during air recovery **MUGEN 1.0** Quote = -.15,-3.5 Velocity for ground recovery state (x, y) **MUGEN 1.0**Īir. =. This determinates which button corresponds to which palette (The palette order parameter IS still used so don't worry).

Example: "localcoord = 320,240" for a low resolution character. it's just simple maths (1280x960 would be FULL HD which would mean 0.25 in scaling). This parameter will scale your whole character to 0.5 in both X and Y scale (INCLUDING the portrait used for the character select screen) if set to 640x480. Add new localcoord parameter (This goes inside the section) which determinates the character's real size (320x240 for low res chars, 640x480 for high resolution, etc.). If I forgot any needed point please post a line here because I'm writing this while drinking Coke so I can't guarantee 100% success. All the steps required in order to fully adapt any character are here (I GUESS!) so. This is a guide to convert a character from Winmugen to MUGEN 1.0 (Doh'!).